검색 팝업창

Sustainable Management

    Environment, Safety, and Health

    We comply with basics and principles based on our management philosophy of human respect to
    establish environmental policy and become the leader of aluminum industry.
    All executives and employees understand environmental policy and fulfill their duties based on environmental manual to achieve environmental goals, boost environmental management activities, and preserve pleasant natural environment.

    Safety and Health Policy

    We prioritize safety and health as the fundamental management
    factor based on our management philosophy of human respect.
    We also continuously improve all processes to create disease-free,
    disaster-free, and pollution-free place of business.

    The safety and health management policy is established so that all
    executives and employees would prioritize safety and health for all
    processes from production to corporate management in their thoughts
    and behaviors. The executives and employees should also fulfill
    their roles and duties in their own position.

    • 01

      Comply with safety and health regulations and actively accommodate safety and health rules.

    • 02

      Perform education and training for participation in safety and health management activity.

    • 03

      Encourage active safety and health management in partner companies.

    • 04

      All executives and employees try their best to prevent safety accidents.